The Fall of Relativity
Book Details
About the Book
The worst nightmareÊmodern science has ever witnessed is finally over...100 years ofÊconfusion haveÊbeen brought to anÊend ... Einstein's relativity in it self, is brought down! Conclusions of relativity are shownÊ to be contradicting to the very same basics it is inferred from. Experiments in the field of Quantum Physics has blown relativity into fine dust!
Proponents of relativityÊhave beenÊfacing trouble each time experiments show unexpected results, not to mention experiments which are designed to provide proof for relativity, the outcome of which turn out to embarrass the experimenters. These people have become enemies to scientific progress and an obstacle in the search for truth!
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ What a theory it is, if it is brought to the test- Special Relativity fails, and if it is assumed correct, its predictions will make it fail. Relativity actually does fail in its predictions!
Ê This bookÊproves Einstein's wordsÊ"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth"-Êhe was indeed right, he should notÊhave beenÊidolized. The Fall of RelativityÊis againÊpresented to allÊreadersÊat all levels: The non knowledgeable layman, the interested, as well as to the experts in the field. Relativity is brought to the court - and you are the judge.
About the Author
Tarek Sami Ahmadieh, B.E, Civil Engineering- Graduate of the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, has long found the topic of relativity to be as controversial as the basis it is built on. He uses a logical and neat approach to highlight the flaws of Relativity and to point at the numerous paradoxes it creates. Relativity and the tell-tale properties of Light has been one of his favorite subjects since his teenage years. He enables the reader to look at these matters from a new perspective, makes his explanations understandable to most, at the same time being clear to all people conducting researches in the fertile valley of Relativity. He thus brings forward in this interesting book a hand full of new ideas and state of the art solutions that allow us to peep into new possible horizons in the matters of cosmology and theoretical physics. He holds several design patents relating to electrical and mechanical equipment.