1956 Do Not Forget

by Winifred Szabo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/13/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781425102500

About the Book

A former political prisoner and freedom fighter remembers the years following World War 2, culminating in the Hungarian Revolution of October 1956. He tells of the period when, during his training to be a pilot with the Armed Forces, he was found to be politically unreliable - mainly because of his background and attitude towards Communism. A trial and imprisonment followed and he relates his memories of prison life, work in the coal mines and unsuccessful escape attempt. Released in July 1956, he became involved in the October Revolution and his eye-witness account of the horrific massacre in Republic Square, Budapest bears no resemblance to the authorised Communist version which stills exists in public libraries and is accepted by many Hungarians as the truth. Finally, after the Revolution had been crushed by the Russians in November, he fled to Austria along with thousands of his countrymen. Now a British citizen, he visits Hungary frequently and no longer "an enemy of the Republic", he appreciates the ease in which his arrivals and departures are effected!

About the Author

The author, more accustomed to penning magazine articles and children's stories, collected the material for "1956 - Do Not Forget" using tapes, old diaries and notebooks provided by the narrator who wishes to remain anonymous