Currency Measurements
A Consumers Primer
Book Details
About the Book
The title Currency Measurements: A Consumers Primer, infers it is a complex text. Glancing through the pages it would appear that the inference is correct. Actually, the text was written so that anyone could understand why things like changes in interest rates or tax increases occur.
The mathematics was kept at a basic level with simple equations that anyone, with a knowledge of the first chapter of any algebra book, can understand.
Business people, investors, bankers, might find the book entertaining and useful. Equations are used to illustrate the effects of trading shares in the stock market as well as a description of the banking system. Officers of a company might use the mathematics to help form ideas and make decisions. Students of economics might find the description of economic activity with simple equations, helpful.Excerpts
Several times a day the news media reports on financial and economic topics. Taxes or interest rates will be raised or lowered. There is a deficit in government accounts or a deficit in international trade. These statements taken separately haven't much meaning to the average citizen. The General thinking is "I can't do much about it even if I knew what to do."
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