Small Business Entrepreneurship...
Forget the MBA...
Book Details
About the Book
Provides a useful reference to most, if not all aspects of starting and operation of small businesses. The first chapter is a profile on small business and the increasing growth of entrepreneurship and why?
Learn the entrepreneurial "smarts" and what it "really takes" to become a successful entrepreneur. Learn some of the basics of accounting and evaluating financial statements. Incorporation for tax benefits.
The chapter on "Business Regulations" and the glossary of terms in business regulations is worth the price of this book alone.
Know the various type of business structures and which is best for the start-up business and the growth phases. Sales and Marketing know-how is a must for all young entrepreneurs. If you don't have customers to sell to, you don't have a business.
Learn of the growing importance of Customer Service. Chapter eight reveals why good employee relations equals more sales.
All young entrepreneurs will want to know about "start-ups", beyond and avoiding risks - methods to "go through the fire" and keys to survival.
The chapter on Due Diligence with 125 pertinent questions that must be answered when acquiring or merging a business. It can save the readers many times the fees of outside consultants.
The Author provides his experiences on his winners and losers and the "mess-ups". This is real experience from an experienced entrepreneur - learn to "win more than you lose".
The Conclusion chapter guides the start-up entrepreneur through the various phases of business start-up.
Sources of numerous assistance and financing are made available for direct contact.
The Appendix provides a wealth of information.
Keep this book readily available for easy access in your home office. It is an absolute "must" reference.
About the Author
If "entrepreneurship" is buying and selling for a profit, the author began at approximately 10 years of age, buying "Cool-Aid" powder and selling flavored iced drinks in paper cups to construction workers from his wagon in the late '40s with profits of $ 15-20 a day during the summer school holidays! After starting several businesses, as president, he brought two companies "public" on the Montreal Stock Exchange in the mid '80s before listed MSE companies were transferred to the TSE where after name change and re-structuring one is still listed on the TSX in 2007. In the mid-'90s he sold his "control" blocks of shares for several M $. With a partner in mid-80s he bought an un-used church and after renovations, negotiated financing, converted it into a nursing home which made him another 1 M $. He started with assets of $ 20 cash in his pockets and the clothes on his back at 18 years of age. MBAs were hired as managers. However, the Author did get an on-line MBA in his late 60s, after the practical experience, he wanted the "theory" from university MBA courses. He always wanted to write a book and this is it...