Lee's Journal

A Lesson in Diabetes and Denial

by Donna S. Pearson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781412237932

About the Book

This is a true story about the deadly disease called diabetes. The book is intended to both alarm and comfort the reader. The most dangerous culprit of any on-going illness is denial. This story is about Lee's (my husband) fight with diabetes and the results of his denial. It also tells about my journey through the pain and anguish, joy and sorrow, and ultimate conquer over the unthinkable, losing your soul mate to a chronic illness.

About the Author

Donna S. Pearson is a Certified Safety Consultant for a safety consulting firm. She lives in Tennessee near her two grown children and remains close to Lee's children and family. Her favorite hobby is her "koi" pond and growing flowers. The reason she chose to publish her intimate entries to her husband Lee is because "It is my expressed desire that this book will be a wake up call to other diabetics so they will no longer deny the seriousness of their disease and not become a "walking time bomb" robbing their own unique contribution to family, friends and community."