How's Everything? The Ultimate Guide for all Waiters and Waitresses Who Want to Dramatically Increase their Tips

by Peter Stokes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2006

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781412236720

About the Book

How's Everything?

Have you ever wondered why, as a waiter or waitress, you always ask the question "How's everything?" after serving meals to your customers?

The "How's everything?" question is asked virtually every time an entree is served. So much so that diners tend to ignore it as a serious enquiry. 95% of the times you ask the question it's immediately closed by your diner who responds with "Fine" ­ a mean-nothing, one-syllable word ­ and you walk away.

This scenario is a crucial lost opportunity for increasing your tip every single time you ask the question. By saying "How's everything?" to your diners, you are sabotaging all your previous good efforts to obtain a generous tip from your very first meeting with them.

Why not use this occasion to enhance your chances of a satisfying gratuity, not reduce them?

Follow the strategies, outlined in this book and you will increase your tips dramatically, at no cost to you. It will take only a little extra thought. Accept my challenge to eliminate the "How's everything?" question from your work style and you will immediately realize an increase in income, not to mention an increase in job fulfillment. Now that's a deal!

As for your diners? Don't worry. They will quite happily increase your gratuities ­ provided, of course, they receive the type of superlative customer service that will make their dining experience much more enjoyable.

About the Author

Peter Stokes was born in London, England and spent many years travelling the Globe while working within the Cabin Services Division of British Airways. This proved to be a wonderful opportunity for Peter to follow his passion for food, people and travel. He was continually fascinated by the many different countries and cultures visited and he vowed always to eat the food of the country he was in. That meant no hamburgers in Tokyo and no sushi in Nairobi * a rule he keeps to this day!

It was during these travels and dining in so many different restaurants, cafes, even shacks on the beach that the 'How's Everything?' bug was born and gradually evolved to the creation of this book.

On leaving the airline, Peter immigrated to Canada and settled in Vancouver, BC on the Pacific West coast. There followed many years of work, spent mainly in retail and other service industries, where Peter focused on the varied aspects of customer service, within management, as an independent consultant and a frequent lecturer. This work allowed him to continue his travels and people-meeting passion throughout Canada, the United States and Europe.

Peter now lives in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island where, with his wife, Lynnette, he owns and manages the Timberland Pub and Restaurant. (