The Strange Adventures of Professor Funfiel
Book Details
About the Book
Can a woman love two men with equal passion, even if one of them is a drug-induced fantasy?
This book explores such a possibility within the world of dreams and multiple realities - mysteries that have puzzled thinkers since ancient times. Set in a feminist Utopia created by women after a nuclear holocaust, the work follows Helga, a talented journalist, through dreams of her beloved, childbirth, and reunion with Professor Funfiel, the Doppelgänger of her real life lover, Peter. In their adventures they examine the meaning of radical feminism, shopping, and women's rights.
About the Author
David Owen Wesner was educated at the Universities of Indiana, Chicago and Leeds, England, where he obtained a doctorate in philosophy. He has published numerous articles on technology and mental health, including papers in psychiatric journals on infant development and women's liberation. He is a keen student of Islam and mysticism, which he maintains still have much to teach us in a scientific age.
Dr. Wesner is married to Simine Darian, a psychologist who works in the treatment of mental retardation. The Wesners have two children, Cyril and Suphie, students of chemical engineering and linguistics, respectively. He calls them shining stars who are learning how to deal competently with American culture.