The Story of Your ANCESTORS: Cosmos, Earth and Creatures

Where You Came From, Where We Are, Where We're Headed




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/5/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x10.75
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781425140892

About the Book

ANCESTORS has three parts.

Part I, "COSMOS," describes the origins of our Universe and the emergence of light, matter, time, space, stars, galaxies and the Solar System.

Part II, "EARTH," traces the emergence of the atmosphere, oceans, continents and early life forms, treating in detail the origins of and relations among (1) reptiles, mammals and birds; (2) primates and hominids; and (3) Great Apes and human beings. An entire chapter is devoted to the story of the last 65 million years in America.

Part III, "HOMO SAPIENS," while outlining the activities of human beings worldwide throughout prehistory and historic time, focuses on North America in the past 400 years.

"My aims in writing are two," the author says: first, to introduce scientists' account of the Earth and the Universe; and more important, to produce a cultural document containing information every citizen needs to have if our unique water planet is to survive."

In style the book is conversational. The author addresses the reader directly, adding his personal experiences to the facts of science and history to tell such a story as might be told around a campfire by old men to the young. The author uses vivid language and his sense of humor in telling the story. The narrative is further enhanced by timelines, diagrams and 80 illustrations, including original art by two talented artists.

ANCESTORS provides a basic introduction to prehistory, history and ecology.

About the Author

Author-publisher W. Forrest Altman, Ph. D., was born in 1924. He was educated in the public schools of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Following three years of Civilian Public Service during WWII, he garnered college course credit and vocational training in Hedgerow Theatre School; Pendle Hill, a Quaker study center (religious and social studies); and in four colleges and universities. His 40 years of teaching, from the grade school to grad school took place in four states, in East Africa and on six U.S, Navy ships plying the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea.

An avid organic gardener, former runner and back packer, and current whitewater canoer, he served his apprenticeship as an environmental activist in the Sierra Club and is now active in the Dan River Basin Association, His public service has included work for the causes of peace, labor relations, race relations, and women's rights. He has received numerous service awards from conservation groups and government in Virginia and North Carolina.

Aside from academic writings, he has published a river guide, a collection of hiking and boating adventures and the auto-by-dog-graphy of his four-legged companion. Father of two and grandfather of four, he lives in rural North Carolina near the Virginia border.