Follow Me
The Life Story of Joseph D. Campbell
Book Details
About the Book
Follow Me is a historical and autobiographical account of Dr. Joseph D. Campbell's life journey. This pioneer scientist's biography and personality are brought together in this fascinating and insightful book.
Read Dr. Campbell's accounts of growing up in the early part of the 20th century; about his friendship with Winston Churchill's cousin, and being a guest at the Churchill estate in the 1940's; of his adventures in Germany after the war, bribing his way in to Hitler's bunker; his pioneering work in the field of mineral nutrition, and his association with many of the leaders in the Alternative Medicine field.
Having been amongst the first to use modern spectophotometric instrumentation to analyze plant tissue, it was natural that I would extend this to humans. Just as we could accurately assess the mineral status of plants for corrective purpose, so too we can use the same procedures for humans though Hair Mineral Analysis.
The introduction of new concepts has usually been met with resistance. In most cases it is due to a lack of knowledge; unfortunately, to some, it may appear threatening.
We can all get pessimistic as we contemplate the serious problems in our communities and society as a whole. Most are caused by humans, they can be corrected by humans.
The food giants have been successful in persuading us that highly processed products, even genetically modified ones, are healthy and delicious. Your diet can result in a long, happy, and healthy life, or one of disharmony, premature disease, and early death.
The erroneous idea that our health depends largely on the knowledge and skill of our doctor is undergoing a fundamental and positive change. The new paradigm is that we are partners with medical practitioners in our quest towards optimum health.
About the Author
Joseph Campbell is a retired University of Manitoba professor, born in Saskatchewan in 1910. He earned diplomas and degrees from the Universities of Saskatchewan, Western, McGill, and Michigan State. His Ph.D. thesis was on the Nutrition of Vegetable Crops. After graduation, he remained in the United States for several years, working primarily in the field of Plant Nutrition. This took him to most of the States, Mexico, Central and South America. He returned to Canada in 1961, first to B.C. thence to the academic community of Manitoba.
Dr. Campbell is the author of many scientific publications and has a world-wide experience researching, teaching, and promoting improved food production. He and his family spend two years in Thailand helping to establish a new university. He was Director of a University of Manitoba Greenhouse Research Project for the province and Northern Canada. After retirement in 1975, he became a Volunteer Agriculture Consultant for C.E.S.O., working in Somalia, East Africa, and with a First Nations Tribe in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
In the early 1970's Dr. Campbell established the first Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis service in Canada. He discovered that most Canadians were deficient in one or more essential minerals and some have toxic metals. In 1974 he developed his own business, J.D. Campbell Enterprises, doing hair analysis and developing some of his own products. While in Manitoba Joseph, better known as Joe, was an officer of Sigma Xi, helped form the Consumers Health Organization of Manitoba and Creative Retirement Manitoba, and was active in St. Andrew's Untied Church.