Scribbled Eggs

Kids' Quotes To Crack You Up

by Penny Wilson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/1/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781412073592

About the Book

Penny scribbled her children's anecdotes on calendars, napkins, Post-It notes, and the backs of receipts at the average rate of one every five days for ten years, never guessing they would end up published. The result is a plethora of reasons to laugh and ponder life from a different angle.

About the Author

A graduate of Chicago's Moody Bible Institute, Penny has served alongside her husband, Steve, in church/pastoral and camping ministries in Iowa, Colorado, and Florida. Married fourteen years, they have faced and overcome many difficulties, including his experience with Hodgkin's disease, lymphoma cancer. They currently live on the Gulf Coast of Florida where Steve serves as Executive Director at a camp and conference center. When not occupied with homeschooling their two children, Penny enjoys studying, organizing, writing, singing, and hiking. Alternative health therapies and Biblical studies are her favorite topics to investigate. Read more about the book and author at