101 Ways To Know If Your Man Is Cheating On You!

Stop Guessing And Know For Sure!




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/16/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x10.75
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781412083454

About the Book

The point here is that sometimes the truth does hurt, and fact is if you have bothered to order this Manifesto you are already in some form of doubt or denial.

Before getting started you must consider that the derogatory information you may find out could potentially wreck marriages, relationships and families. Not to mention the monetary and mental toll it may have on you.

As your Captain I will be blatantly honest, possibly hurting your feelings or even insulting you at times. However ”Stupidity” is not a crime, so you’re free to stop reading now!

For those of you who are emotionally dormant and mechanical like in your thinking and relationships. You will need verbal shock treatment to jump start your commonsense to see the LIGHT…. You will get that and much more in what’s to come.

About the Author

Well let’s get started on who I am and what this Manifesto is all about. Can you spell “TRADER?” Because that’s how I feel.

I am a retired MALE Playboy about to reveal all the secrets of the trade.

I take no pride in this revelation but let’s call it a realization as to what I was and the mental carnage I have caused through the years to unsuspecting female suitors.

You may be asking yourself what if any credentials or expertise I may have relating to the topic of “Cheating Men”. Let’s just say I have a Ph.D. in womanizing and a Master’s in making women do something that normally, their morals would forbid.

The omission of my real name is for obvious reasons: Maintaining life!!! Because I have committed the worst of all SINS, Mutiny against the MALE RACE!