Simon Sez: You're the Expert On You!
Aphorisms for living your life, with other musings from Simon Stargazer III
Book Details
About the Book
This book is a sequel to Wit and Wisdom from the Wild and Wacky World of Simon Stargazer III (2006). It is my continuing reaction to life around me. It responds to the good the bad and the ugly events that make up life. It uses aphorisms, poetry, acronyms and short science fiction stories as its medium. In an effort to learn from these experiences I try to look at them from various points of view… like how Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Rich Little, Will Rogers, Winston Churchill, General George Patton, Socrates, Sir Isaac Newton, Isaac Asimov, Abraham Lincoln, Robert Frost, James Whitcomb Riley, Mark Twain and, yes, even Jesus Christ, might see them.
About the Author
Jim was born in Arbuckle California. His father was a doctor and his mother was a nurse. After his parents died he was adopted and raised by his aunt and uncle in the Midwest. He attended Olney Friends School in Barnesville Ohio and Earlham College in Richmond Indiana. He lives with his second wife, Pat, in Indianapolis. They have four children, Robin, Christopher, James and John. Having worked in health care all his life, Jim now works for The Care Group, a cardiology practice in Indianapolis.
Jim started writing in 1984, using poetry, aphorisms and short stories to express his positive insight on life.