Ripple in the Reeds

by Barbara Yates Rothwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/14/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781425198152
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781412087292

About the Book

Jeanne-Marie marries a German officer against her parents' wishes and finds herself embroiled in the passions and tragedies of wartime Europe.
Eventually arriving in Australia, she makes a new life for herself - until the past catches up with her. It falls to Margaret, her young colleague, to unravel the final mysteries.

Books by Barbara Yates Rothwell

Dutch Point (The Lagoon Press: 1998): More than 3 centuries of W. Australian history mingle with the fortunes of the Burleigh family - shipwreck, murder and suspense combine to create a vivid picture of the developing life of a colony founded in 1829.

Coulter Valley (Trafford Publishing in cooperation with The Lagoon Press: 2004): Tom resolves to unravel the paradox of the Coulter Valley artists, gifted, yet damaged by a despotic father. But what of the Aunts, sad Bernice and vindictive Sophie! Can the Coulter family survive exposure?

Klara (Trafford Publishing in cooperation with The Lagoon Press: 2005): Nazi racial policies disrupt Klara's Jewish family life. Sponsored to England, she becomes part of the Furlong household. But rescue is one thing: making a good new life is another.

Coulter Valley, Klara and Ripple in the Reeds can all be ordered in any quantities from Trafford Publishing. In small quantities only (up to 20) they are available from The Lagoon Press. Dutch Point is only available from The Lagoon Press.

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About the Author