Boris and his Wonderful Message

A Message that You Will Love

by Samuel A Britvin



Book Details

Language : Spanish
Publication Date : 2/6/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781412088411

About the Book

If you are having a hard time in your life, if sadness doesn't let you see the road, if you have problems with your coupling, in your marriage, if running after material things makes you lose the sense of your existence, if you are far from your children no matter why... then this book is for you.

About the Author

Samuel A. Britvin is firstly the father of two beautiful children, and then a successful manager working in international logistics and in marine chartering.

Specialized in oil and gas business, recognized within and outside Argentina, he opens his doors or rather his heart and shows us an optimistic way to confront a problematic situation.

Showing that there are different ways to approach the feelings generated by the different variables that life proposes us.

In this, his first experience, he ventures from the honesty of its existence to show us that to grow is necessary to become responsible and that we all have tools to transcend in our existence if we know how to take conscience of them. In spite of a life with hard nuances and experiences, the author shows us his courage and anger to accept errors and realize that there exist other roads on the path of this Universe and that to be willing to "listen" and to "see" facilitates us a different opening from where to go on.

This book is simple but carries a grand message. Samuel A. Britvin offers us the opportunity to recover faith and trust and shows us that everything, everything can be better.

His Books