Cry Aloud, Spare Not!

A Prophetic Call to the Fast God Has Chosen for You

by Jacquelyn Brown-Hadnot



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/16/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781412088909

About the Book

Just as the prophet Isaiah was called by God to warn the people, the prophets of today are being called by God to Cry Aloud to the people and proclaim the uncompromising Word of the Lord.

We are living in an age of darkness, a spiritual darkness that hovers over the people, the nation and the world.

Knowledge dispels misunderstanding. Join author Dr. Jacquelyn Brown-Hadnot on an exciting and insightful journey into this life-changing dimension - the fast God has chosen for us. You will discover the power that prayer and fasting will release into your life.

In this dynamic book, Cry Aloud, Spare Not! You will discover:

  • What is Fasting & Why We Should fast?
  • The Fast that Hits the Glass Ceiling
  • The Fast God Has Chosen for You
  • What Happens When We Obey God?
  • What's Keeping You From Hearing From God?
  • Absolute Surrender to an Absolute God

For further information, please visit:

About the Author

Dr. Jacquelyn Brown-Hadnot is an author and teacher whose passion is to teach the bible in a way that changes lives. It is her great love for the Body of Christ that prompted Jacquie to birth It Is Written Ministries Inc. It Is Written Ministries is a unique non-profit ministry that endeavors to encourage, motivate, and educate individuals to walk in wisdom, character, and holiness. It Is Written feeds the triune man; mind, body and spirit through outreaches such as food and clothing pantries, nursing home outreaches, meals to the homeless and several teaching ministries on foundations for victorious Christian living, biblical financial principals, prayer and worship. Jacquie flows under a powerful three-fold evangelistic, psalmist and prophetic anointing causing her to be an effective instrument for the Kingdom of God.

Jacquie is a Spoken Word Psalmist and her CD "His Mercy Endures Forever" has received nationwide airplay, 2005 Joy Night Music Award for Best Worship Music, 2005 Omer Award for Best Spoken Word Artist, and 2006 Momentum Award nomination.

She is the author of "His Mercy Endures Forever-Psalms, Prayers and Meditations for the Heart." Her radio broadcast "Light for Your Path" is heard daily on several Kansas City radio stations. She holds a doctorate in Theology and a Masters in Ministry Leadership. She has been the President and CFO of the accounting and tax firm, The Diversified Group, Inc. for twenty-one years.

Jacquie and her husband, Gregg, have been married for over five years and together they oversee It Is Written Ministries. They reside in Kansas City, Missouri. She has one daughter, Jacquanda and one grandson, Tristan.

Jacquie has appeared on the Joy Night TV Musical Praise-A-Thon, TBN Praise The Lord, Lift Him Up-Kansas, and Soldiers for Jesus Christ.

After being healed five times from cysts and tumors in her head and breast, Jacquie believes the call on her life is to establish believers in God's Word. "Jesus died to set us free - free from sickness, poverty, and despair. For far too long we have lived lives without experiencing victory. The Lord spoke to me early one morning with words that changed my life. The Spirit of the Lord said, "I am going to set you as an example before the people of a victorious life." Because of all I have experienced: sickness, lack, abuse, and depression, I know the freedom and victory that comes from applying God's Word. Because I walk in victory, God is going to use me to lead others to victory in Christ Jesus. That's why I must stay transparent before God. As Christians we need to set an example to the lost. Our mandate is to be a vessel the Lord can use to set the captives free."