The Key to Self-Discovery
There is Far More to You and Life Than You Ever Dared to Dream
Book Details
About the Book
This book is dedicated to my wife Jane, my angel guide.
There is far more to you and life than you ever dared to dream. The Key to Self-Discovery shows in a very practical way how to realize your full potential and create a meaningful, happy and full life. The "Key" is a system known as The Holistic Way (The WAY) is designed to engender inner peace and harmony, and to help you to release the enormous potential within for greater love, intelligence, creativity and consciousness. The WAY helps you to discover who you are, the purpose of your life, and empowers you to create your own future.
The Key to Self-Discovery is unique in its approach to seeking and finding the truth of self and life, and the realization all of you can be. The system presented in the book, The Way, is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern scientific research. The WAY consists of twelve guides that together provide a philosophy of life intended to give you the power to create, make a difference, find well being and self-worth, experience all that life has to offer, and guide you on the pathway to enlightenment. Music, visualization and effective original tools are presented to empower you to seek within and become your whole self.
About the Author
Russell C. Kick, Ph.D., is CEO and founder of the Self-Discovery Research Institute, Inc. [In 1968 Russell had a near-death experience which changed his life. While in the light the purpose of his life was revealed to him and he was told he would soon meet the woman who was to be his life-ling wife. Two weeks later on a business trip to another city, he met his future wife, Jane, and one month later Jane and Russell were married.]
He has engaged in research for the last thirty-five years to develop practical, interesting and easy to learn knowledge and tools which share the knowledge he has gained in his quest for truth. His research has involved the study of the perennial wisdom of ancient masters, the most recent findings of modern science on the nature of life and being, and the knowledge has received in his meditations and conscious exploration of other realms.
Russell is a native New Yorker and has been a college professor, researcher and writer for four decades. He has been deeply involved with computers since the 1960's and has done advanced graduate work in computer science. His interest and research in artificial intelligence and virtual reality have provided insights into the nature of reality and being. He had published and presented numerous papers on artificial intelligence and reality.
Russell is a "systems person" and his intent is to integrate ancient knowledge and modern science into a single practical system of thought which can help individuals better understand themselves and life and realize their full potential. To this end, Russell has created a holistic approach to self-discovery and realization which he has named "The Holistic Way" (The WAY) the purpose of which is to empower individuals to become all they can be and have a happy, meaningful and full life. His fervent prayer is that The WAY can help bring peace and prosperity to the world and help humanity reach the next level in the evolution to higher plane of existence.
Russell lives with his wife, Jane, of thirty-six years in Tucson, Arizona.