Life Through the Eyes of Candy

Adoption, Trials and Happiness - "Life is What You Make It!"

by Candice Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/13/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9781412091398

About the Book

Life Through the Eyes of Candy: Adoption, Trials and Happiness - "Life is What You Make It!" is the story of Candy's personal life journey of adoption that started 34 years ago, from the time learning about her adoption, coping with struggles and many "blows" in her time as a young child, teenage years to her late 20s. Having to deal with her peers, once they had learned that Candy was adopted.

Poems that Candy has written over of both sides if the family....

What a magnificent feeling, meeting your birth family for the very first time is. It is a feeling that you can not possibly express...but not all went smoothly at first!

In sharing my personal journey, I hope that I may be able to answer some questions that many may have with their own adoption. Also, I want to shine some light, but most importantly to show that there is happiness and nothing is impossible - believe in yourself.

Not only can you read a real life journey about an adoption that was meant to be, you can go beyond and meet the faces, on DVD, with interviews on both sides. There is family that I was raised with and my birth family. They too go into depth about their emotions and relate how I was in my younger years, and how proud they are now about what their daughter was able to achieve in life.

About the Author

Candy is 34 years of age, lives on the Sunshine Coast, Australia with her family, partner and children, loves life and spending as much time with family as she can. Candy has two children who have special needs, and attend special school. Candy helps others who have been adopted that want to know more about dealing with their own adoption. Being raised as an adopted child and experiencing many different emotions and experiences, Candy very much wants to reach out, help and let them know that there is happiness and that there is light. Also to let them know to believe within themselves and that nothing is impossible.

Candy relaxes by: fishing, going to the beach, ten pin bowling (league), having fun with family, reading, horse riding and also spending time with her two best mates, they are known as "The Three Amigos."