Funny, Wicked and Wise

Ideas You May Enjoy




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/7/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781425101985

About the Book

Humor is the hammer author/philosopher Styx Mundstock uses to bash the political, historic, religious and personal philosophies of his day. With brief comic statements and pointed, reflective questions he quickly reshapes attitudes and assumptions, leaving the reader gasping for air. Bittersweet one-liners about the expected and unexpected twists of again are thought-provoking. An overall sense of life's joyous celebration and the deep love shared with his delightful wife flavor this book, exposing past students and new friends alike to the gregarious, spirited teacher who is Styx Mundstock.

About the Author

Styx Mundstock's real name is Lorenz, but only close friends and relatives know that! Born in Chicago into a family of artists, he spent a year at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago before being drafted into the U.S. Army in 1943. An infantry private in France, he received the Bronze Star. After the war he was stationed in Germany and Austria. Back in the States he graduated from the University of Chicago, 1958, with an M.A. in Philosophy. He taught philosophy at Los Angeles Harbor College for 35 years. Then he and his wife Lee moved to Lummi Island, Washington, where they continue to create, write, laugh and love.

Editor and friend Karen Weber studied literature and science at Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa. Other education in her travels include psychology and educational research. Her skills in living an unstructured life made her the perfect second or third choice to organize Styx's thoughts. She also lives and paints on Lummi Island.