Sooooo... You Want To Be "A" Manager! Things You Should Know!

by Rick Godfrey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/28/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781412229562
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781412041911

About the Book

This powerful book is written for managers, young and old, who want to review their skills on managing people and getting results through other people. The book is written in the style of The One Minute Manager. It takes very little time to find the areas of your personal interest quickly. Some readers have become so engrossed with the content that they have completed this book non-stop on one round-trip airplane ride.

This publication is not meant to be an all- encompassing volume of everything a person needs to know to be a successful manager. Rather, the book is a personal accounting of general principals that work based on decades of experience with successful careers and is full of world-wide lessons learned that can be useful to someone just starting out in their management career.

The content is direct and to-the-point and helps managers learn what's important in their jobs without having to spend 20-30 years doing it all. This offering shortens the managers learning time-lines while "honing" their people management skills through reading and practicing practical lessons! Some readers have said: "Where was this book when I was just beginning my management career?"

Reader's Comments

"I find the book to be very useful for anyone interested in the views of an experienced executive having moved through all the ranks during his active job life. It is short and to the point and as soon as I sat down to read it - I could not stop until I finished it."
Kjell S. Andersson,
Chairman of the Board, Wildbats Networks Inc.
former VP & General Manager of Ericsson Radio Systems, AB - Sweden

"Rick Godfrey consistently puts into practice a positive leadership philosophy, winning outlook, and effective coaching style to achieve organizational goals while developing new leaders. This book provides the aspiring leader with the essence of what it takes to succeed in his or her journey."
Jeff Calkins
President, MRI Consulting Co.

"Chapter 19 could become Poor Richard's Almanac for Managers."
Sam Carlson
President Electronic Processor Group, retired, Kaiser Aerospace

"You have a knack of taking things that many people consider a science and convey it into practical living terms - common sense."
Ken Fujino
Division President, retired, TransAmerica Insurance

"If I was still teaching, this book would be mandatory reading for all my graduate school classes."
Roy Herman
Faculty Member, Graduate School of Business, University of Wisconsin

"This is a solid, thought-provoking piece that delivers real value for any 'aspiring', 'new' and 'not-so-new' managers. I like your straight-forward writing style."
Leonard Hirchfeld
Financial management

Rick's book is an excellent "toolbox" for the aspiring manager. It also provides a superb reference for the established manager."
Terry Samphire
Senior Manager, retired, Boeing Corporation

"My compliments on a very well-written, compact book of excellent advice and action items - for those who are managers, want to be managers or even those who chose to be 'individual contributors' in organizations today."
Tom Whisman

About the Author

R.G. (Rick) Godfrey is a principal partner and the chairman of Manufacturing Resources, Inc. In this capacity he provides general management consulting services to large and small business clients on a worldwide basis. His consulting experience includes profit & loss turn-arounds, re-engineering organizations and management processes, materials, capital and asset improvement and human resource development.

Mr. Godfrey was employed by TRW serving as group vice president and general manager in electronics, occupant restraints & controls, military electronics & avionics and international businesses. He directed several business turn-arounds, combined several companies and created TRW's "factory of the future" for military avionics. Prior to TRW, he was an executive with Honeywell, including director of production for the company's Space & Strategic Division, director of production and logistics for the company's Military Avionics Division and director of electronic operations at the Micro Switch Division. Mr. Godfrey served the United States Department of Defense as a member of the Defense Manufacturing Board and the Defense Science Board.