Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting

An Insightful Guide for Yoga Teachers and Students

by Stephanie Pappas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781412233354
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781412051620

About the Book

This is the first comprehensive guide for yoga teachers and yoga students providing all the details on how to adjust or assist someone while they are performing a yoga posture. With yoga's recent worldwide popularity, this book is invaluable to millions who teach or practice yoga. The book goes beyond just the physical aspects of yoga - it deals honestly with some touchy matters that affect yoga teachers and students alike. The book's clear instructions and generous supply of photos make it easy for yoga teachers to learn how to adjust or assist their students. Yoga students can use this book to enhance their personal practice by working with a partner. Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting: An Insightful Guide for Yoga Teachers and Students demonstrates and explains adjusting techniques for over 65 postures and contains over 200 photos. You can learn:

• How to adjust or assist someone who is performing a yoga posture
• How to perform the yoga adjustments using effective body mechanics and leverage
• Multiple variations for adjusting a posture
• How to use yoga props
• Verbal cues to help your yoga student or partner
• Ways to accommodate different body types
• How to safely take your students deeper into the yoga postures

The book also features a thought provoking section on how to navigate the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of being a yoga teacher or yoga student. It candidly discusses topics such as:

• Dealing with difficult emotions before, during, or after class
• Coping with thoughts that can surface during yoga class or home practice
• Managing expectations and judgments about ourselves, our teachers, and our students
• Dealing with unusual situations in the classroom
• Handling competitiveness, jealousy, nervousness

The international yoga community will greatly benefit from this book.


Este libro es la primera guía extensa y comprensible para instructores y estudiantes de yoga, que provee todos los detalles de como ajustar y asistir a alguien mientras realiza una postura de yoga. Con la reciente popularidad que el Yoga ha adquirido, este libro es invaluable para millones de personas que enseñan o practican esta disciplina. Las claras instrucciones y la generosa cantidad de fotos facilitan a los instructores el aprendizaje y comprensión de como asistir a sus estudiantes. Los mismos estudiantes pueden utilizar esta guía para profundizar en su práctica personal, aplicando los principios en parejas. En el libro se demuestran y explican las técnicas de ajuste y asistencia para más de 65 posturas ilustrándolas con alrededor de 200 fotos.

Usted puede aprender:

• Como ajustar y asistir a alguien mientras realiza una postura de yoga
• Como ejecutar ajustes utilizando mecánicas corporales efectivas
• Múltiples variantes de como ajustar en una postura
• Frases que pueden ayudar a sus estudiantes o parejas/compañeros de yoga
• Maneras de acomodar diferentes tipos de cuerpos
• Como ayudar a sus estudiantes a profundizar en las posturas de manera segura

La comunidad internacional de yoga se beneficiará enormemente con este libro.

About the Author

Stephanie Pappas (s.k.a. Stefani) was born in New York City in 1960 and grew up in central New Jersey. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Rutgers University, Douglass College. After graduating from college, she worked for 10 years in the telecommunications industry.

Stephanie has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation since 1992 when she met a teacher from India, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

She is the founder and director of the Devalila Yoga Teacher Training, a registered 200 hour level training with the Yoga Alliance. Stephanie has certified over 175 teachers in North America and holds teacher trainings once a year in New Jersey.

Her book for yoga teachers, "Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting" was published in 2006 and is available through Trafford in Spanish. Right now she is finishing her next book, "Reflections of a Codependent Yogi: Book One — Exploring the Stickiness of Relationships and the Longing for Self-Love," due to be released in 2010.

Stephanie is also a massage therapist, interfaith minister, belly dance teacher, aspiring web designer and ESL teacher. Part of the year Stephanie lives in Tulum, Mexico where she writes books, tends to her tropical garden, plays with her 9 cats, teaches and writes books and articles. Stephanie is available to lead workshops and trainings worldwide.

Stephanie's Web Links:


Yoga Teacher's Book
Upcoming Book
New Book
Mexico Retreat House