Holiness Is Who You Are!

Holy, Holy, Holy Is The Lord Thy God




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/23/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781425128647

About the Book

God inspired me to write this book about holiness because so many people think it is a look and an act, but in fact, it is who God created us to be - sanctified and set apart for His special use. Many have been going to church for years and misconceptions have been past down for generations of what God expects of us that is very well unbiblical. God makes it very clear and simple what He requires from His people and man has made it into a difficult process which causes division as well as people turning from the faith as well as God. This book was written to clear up some misconceptions of what is required as a Christian and to be saved so you will realign yourself with the Word of God and begin to live life before it is too late. The end times are fastly approaching and God's people need to make sure their life is in order to meet Jesus when He returns.

About the Author

Jennifer Y. Dennis is an anointed servant of God with the task of implementing restoration back into ministry by transformation of the mind. She is the founder of Rhema Financial Counseling Ministry, which focuses on 'wholeness' through education of God's Word. God has poured into her a book entitled, "Building God's Kingdom: A Guide For Restoring Order Back Into the Church According To God's Word" and "Rebuilding the Temple of God" which lays foundational material for being restored by seeing yourself as the Temple of God and contrasting the world's ways with God's principle foundation, and showing how the world's way have costly effects on the promises of God for our life. Her mandate is to equip God's people and ministries with the proper foundation for worship unto a holy God and to restore and live out the abundant life.