Advice and Counsel to Young Leaders

by Dr. James H. Benson Sr. Colonel USMC (Ret)



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/17/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781425161415
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781425147365
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781425116286

About the Book

"Good leaders are intense; real good leaders are passionate; but great leaders are predators when it comes to winning on the battlefield, the gridiron, or in the workplace." Jim Benson

"Winners create their own destiny by their proactivity while losers suffer a fate by their reactivity." Jim Benson

"Intricate and complex are recipes for failure in organizational planning." Jim Benson

"You can, you will, you must succeed." Coach Ray Bussard

Through the years, I have been intrigued by the consistent success of some leaders. Why are some people successful leaders within the organization while others, with superior intellect and academic credentials, are less successful or blatantly unsuccessful? Why are others quite successful in one position or assignment, but, when promoted, fail miserably? Why are there great assistant coaches in the college and professional athletic ranks who simply cannot win once they assume the role of head coach?

Much of the narrative herein deals with personal experience and observations in over 26 years as an officer of the U.S. Marines, but I also call on experience, observations, and readings in the fields of business, academics, higher education, and athletics. The ideas and principles here are just as applicable to the small business entrepreneur, corporate CEO, or Baptist minister as to the young U.S. Army lieutenant or high school basketball coach.

Jim Benson

About the Author

Dr. James H. Benson, Sr., Colonel, USMC (Ret) President Riverside Military Academ

Colonel James H. Benson, Sr. became the president of Riverside Military Academy on June 1, 2009. Colonel Benson was the 15th president of Marion Military Institute, Marion, Alabama from July 15, 2004 to May 31, 2009. Colonel Benson retired from the Marine Corps in 1995. He served as the Vice President for administration at Bridgewater College until 2004.

Colonel Benson received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bridgewater College and holds a Master of Science Degree from the University of Tennessee, a Master of Public Administration Degree from Penn State University, and the doctorate in Higher Education Administration from The George Washington University. He is also a graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College and the Army War College.

Colonel Benson’s military career included assignments as Commanding Officer, JTF-129, Special Operations Counter-terrorism Joint Task Force; Commanding Officer, Sixth Marine Regiment; and Chief of Staff/Assistant Division Commander of the Second Marine Division. He is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War. Colonel Benson was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, three Legion of Merit Awards, two Bronze Stars with “V” for Valor, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm, three Navy Commendation Medals one with “V” for Valor and the Navy Achievement Medal.

In 2007, Colonel Benson completed a book published by Trafford Publishing Company entitled, So You Want to be a Leader? He and his wife Mary have a daughter, Catherine R. Benson, graduate of George Mason University, and a son, James H. Benson II, graduate of Eastern Mennonite University.