The Bible Delusion: A Born Again Nightmare
Book Details
About the Book
Christians consider the Bible the good book. This is probably true if the good book is comprised only of the dozen most commonly quoted passages. But what to do with "... kill them all, young and old, girls, women and little children. .." [Ezekiel 9:5-6]
About the Author
Wolfgang Wiebe was born in 1944 in war torn Europe into a Mennonite family setting. He progressed through the Canadian school system and Sunday school. Degrees in Pedagogy and Mathematics followed. After a distinguished teaching career, he turned his undivided attention to what had always been of consuming interest: the phenomenon of religious faith and the book forming its basis, the Bible. This book, The Bible Delusion is the sequel to his previous book Fundamentalist Favoritism. Believers will find these books highly enjoyable, richly informative and deeply challenging