Savings and Investments

What You Need to Know Before You See a Financial Adviser




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/23/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781425124434

About the Book

In general, financial adviser's don't have the best reputation and it's not difficult to find people with various horror stories having seen an adviser! Advisers aren't all bad though, and should be the experts in financial services. They deal in personal finance every day, and for many situations seeing a financial adviser can help you. But wouldn't it be better if you went into a meeting with a financial advisor feeling you at least understood the basics of what you were going to discuss? Wouldn't it be nice to know what questions to ask? Wouldn't that give you peace of mind when deciding whether or not to accept the advice you are being given? For most people it is very difficult to acquire this knowledge or gain this peace of mind, because for a subject that is so important to people's lives, there is a real lack of simple basic financial education available. Information is usually provided by a company or a person trying to sell you a product, or it is just too complicated to properly understand. I have written this book with the aim of at least helping to solve this problem. It provides basic information and insights into the world of savings and investments, the issue that many want to talk about when seeing a financial adviser. Whether you want to save £20 per month or invest a bigger amount such as £50,000 does not matter; the same basic facts and principles still apply. Having read this book, I want you to be able to visit an adviser feeling you know the basics of savings and investments, and can talk, listen and decide, all with peace of mind.

About the Author

Andy Cowan has over 6 years experience working in financial services. He holds the Diploma in Financial Planning, (which includes both the FPC and AFPC certificates).