Max Greenberg, Max Greenberg
Book Details
About the Book
It's Florida 2004. A certain Max Greenberg is found dead in Fort Lauderdale. Rex Flaque, Ben Goodman and Max Greenberg were childhood buddies. Their careers separated them for twenty years, but when Flaque reads about the death of a Max Greenberg in Florida, he becomes concerned.
The enigmatic and solitary Flaque has recently retired from an undisclosed career of twenty years. Rex joins forces with Allston, a local detective, who questions the official findings surrounding the death. Captain Gray, who feels the case is closed, frowns upon the detective's involvement. It's now up to Allston to solve the mystery using his own spare time while downplaying his identity as a cop. Allston and Rex conceive some imaginative and unorthodox ideas to help them with the Greenberg investigation.
Allston, who doesn't seem all that concerned about Rex's mysterious career, makes countless efforts to uplift Flaque's morbid disposition.
While maintaining a strange love-hate relationship, two men of means, Ben Goodman and Orlando Fuentes, maneuver their way through a series of events relating to Greenberg's death.
Edith Bell and Rex are involved in a bittersweet romance that eventually unravels the mysteries of their past.
Fuentes, aside from his legitimate operations as a tracer of missing persons, appears to have questionable ties with the underworld.
Using Max Greenberg as bait, Allston and Rex devise a plan to entice Benny, Fuentes and his gang down to Florida for the story's surprising conclusion.
About the Author
Mr. Mace spent most of his Army career writing for camp newspapers. After winning a short story contest, Mace thought he could make a living at it. He tried sports journalist writing and was paid a dollar per column inch covering high school ball games. Recently married, he needed the job security and fringe benefits not available at that time to a tyro sports writer. Following the advice of his sports editor, Mr. Mace repressed the writing urge and settled into a 40 year career with the United States federal government ending in 1979. Although the creative urges to write were lurking under his calm exterior, he was content with family life and the decades of winter vacations to Florida. After attaining his octogenarian status, Mace began to formulate the plot for his first murder mystery. When his son gave him a computer, the author saw how much simpler it was for writing than the old fashioned typewriter. It was then that he plunged into his novel, completing it in one year, 2006, at the age of 84.