What Does She Want... And Where Can I Get It?

by Ange



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/30/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781412069496

About the Book

This book is a man's "secret weapon" tool box that guides him to romance, love and makes a woman irresistible to his charms. Look great, feel great and be a winner! never worry about sending flowers, making a date or giving a woman a gift again. You can live in "Magic Land" with the woman of your dreams. This book is a complete guide for a man to truly understand all of the secrets of making a woman happy!

About the Author

What Does She Want... And Where Can I Get It? is based on thousands of hours of conversations I have had with women.

For over 40 years I have worked in the beauty industry. Instead of standing around the "water cooler", I have stood "around the chair" listening to women talk about the men in their lives. This opportunity has allowed me an amazing view of what a woman really wants in a relationship with a man.

I don't have a degree in human relations, psychology, or an educational background to validate research results; however, I have found that listening to these women, combined with my own "in the trenches" dating history, has given me information I can share to offer great insight for men to solve the age-old mystery of "What does she want?"

This book is designed in a simple format that can be used as a reference guide designed primarily for any man who desires fabulous woman in his life!