Allographs™ II Teacher/Parent Manual

Linguistic Spelling Program

by Diane McGuinness Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/21/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781425157821

About the Book

English is a compounding language in which root words are modified (changed in meaning) by adding prefixes and suffixes. The rules of the spelling game change at this level – and attention shifts to the syllable unit and spellings for prefixes and suffixes. This new knowledge makes a profound difference in reading and spelling skills, and dramatically enhances reading comprehension and vocabulary.

Lessons begin with simple compounding of common English words (doghouse, sunset), and gradually build to include Latin and Greek-based words up to 6 syllables in length. For example: 'inform' (a verb) can be changed to a noun by adding the suffix 'shun' spelled: tion a suffix used in thousands of words. It has three common spellings: information, aggression, optician, and four rare ones. Once the student learns when these spellings are used (ÔcianÕ always marks an occupation), difficult words suddenly become easy to read and spell. Long 'scary' words like: 'determination' can be broken down to easily decodable units: de/ter/min/a/tion. Once these patterns are understood, students as young as 8 years can learn to read and spell thousands of new words in a just a few lessons.

Allographs II Manual contains 59 partially scripted lessons. Sample lessons for the higher levels of the code provide a platform for continuing development using the Student Workbook/Dictionary. Both components are essential to teach this program effectively.

About the Author

Diane McGuinness is a leading expert on the nature and structure of writing systems and how this applies to teaching reading and spelling. She is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of South Florida. She currently lives in England and is Chairman of the Trust: Our Right to Read. Professor McGuinness is the author of over 100 research and scholarly papers, and has published 6 books on learning and reading instruction. These include: Why Our Children Can't Read (Simon and Schuster; 1997; Penguin Books, 1998), and Early Reading Instruction (MIT Press, 2004).