You Lifted My Head
Rising From The Ruins Of Marital Collapse
Book Details
About the Book
You Lifted My Head tells of the pain, the devastation, and the lowest depth of depression that the author experienced after separation from her husband and what ensued following her attempt at reconciliation.
The author tells of her fall into the sin of adultery during the time of marital turbulence, how she felt un-forgiven and forsaken by God after much confession and repentance, the extent she went to in her search to “find” God, and how God eventually brought her to a place of peace, and full assurance of His forgiveness.
The book further reveals the author’s struggle with God concerning divorce, the rest she found in surrendering her will to God, the amazing way in which God revealed His grace to her, and how she learned that it is when life is at its most hopeless that God can be experienced in the most amazing and the most powerful way.
The book offers utmost hope to people of like suffering, those who, because of the great agony with which they are living, believe that their suffering is exceedingly, abundantly, and above everyone else’s suffering; that their life is over; that things will NEVER change; that God has forsaken and forgotten them; that He can never forgive them for that horrible sin they have committed; that they cannot bear it for one second longer; that they will die in the process; that they want to commit suicide and end it all; that the situation is hopeless, hopeless, hopeless.
Photographs by Michael Gordon, Cover Design or Artwork by Dzine Konceps and L. Iona Halliman.
About the Author
The fourth day of the week, fourth day of the month, fourth month of the year was the clash of the fours that heralded the birth of Lurline Ebanks in 1962, in the district of Flagaman, Elizabeth, Jamaica. She is the last of eight children.
Lurline migrated to Kingston, Jamaica, at age 14 to live with her sister and continue her schooling. She attained the qualification of Certified Professional Secretary and currently works in that profession. She has an Associate Degree in Business Administration and is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Human Resource Management.
Lurline was born again at age 17, when God sweetly and powerfully invaded her life in the shower at Ocean View Bible Camp in St. Elizabeth. This invasion of her life is a simple but amazing example of how God sets the stage when He wants to make a move in our lives.
Upon migrating to Kingston, she went to live immediately next door to her future husband, and this was how they met. They got married on September 26, 1987, and on August 18, 1992, Lurline became Mother to a beautiful baby girl.
She has been involved in various Church ministries over the years, including the Music Ministry (as a choir member - her first love), Young Peoples Ministry, Altar Workers Ministry, Evangelism Ministry, and Prison Ministry.
She is presently a Member of Church on the Rock, Kingston, Jamaica.