Who are you? 10 days to discovering 'who you are'

by Ovo Gharoro



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/22/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781425163747

About the Book

"Who are you?" is a question that is asking you for a lot more than just your name. It is asking you for your identity and the reason for your existence.

Purpose is discovered not chosen. Each purpose is unique but the progress of discovering purpose is the same. "Who are you?" is a book that steps you through a ten day progress of discovering "who you are". From telling you where to look to the reasons why people who start this journey never reach the end, "Who are you?" walks you through an exhaustive process of self-discovery.

However this book is unique is that it is tailor for a young mind. Many times young people are lost in the experiences of a mid-aged man/woman on how they discovered purpose. This book was written by a 17 year old, who has spent refining it to match the chosen audience."

About the Author

"Ovo Gharoro is a management consultant working for Deloitte, a global multi-professional services firm. He graduated from Imperial College with a 1st (Hons) MEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Management.

Renounced for his leadership skill he was the first ever leadership trainer in the UK for any African & Caribbean Society or University Society. He founded the leadership training program that now runs in Imperial College ACS, having been the 1st year rep, PR officer, Vice President and Leadership Trainer in consecutive years.

He is a gifted communicator and homed his skills in his years as a part-time teacher (which he did while he studied). The Principal as London Brookes College simply describes him as a "gifted teacher who works magic" with the students increasing the attendance at the college several times over.

Following his passion for helping young people discover who they are, Ovo worked with the founder and director of Platform of Creativity, a youth charity organisation in East London. His role was to motivate teenagers in their talents and gifts, pass on a positive message and let them know that they can achieve anything if they work hard enough.

He currently heads the youth division of the East branch of his church, Every Nation London, where he teaches the 11-14 year olds on a regular basis.

Ovo is an up-and-coming business man, a stand-up comedian, teacher, mentor, dancer, poet, artist, an inspiration to many and gifted writer - all this at the age of 23."