Human Matrix

Why Do We All Look Different?

by Robert W. Bullwinkel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/19/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x10.75
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9781412091831

About the Book

The story presents an elderly white couple that raises a black baby. The baby's name is Sunshine and he cannot see. The child is lucky enough to gain a teacher named Kel. Sunshine learns karate, the power of colour, free thinking, how his body works, the importance of exercise, health and the difference between knowledge and wisdom. More importantly he learns his relationship with nature, and that his five senses do not control only his mind and body, but cause physical changes in human evolution.

About the Author

My parents had eight children (me #2). I came from a broken home and my teenage years were tough while working after school. In 1952 I joined USAF, and I am a verteran of the Korean war and was honorably discharged in 1956. 10th grade education was not adequate so realizing that many around me had an advantage, I constantly wondered why society had left me out. Thereafter, I spent my spare time searching for answers in philosophy and mysticism. I spent the last 40 years working as a Quality Inspector, primarily welds and metals. I retired from the Civil Service in 1989, then I was Quality Manager for several large contractors.

I spent my younger years as a Lutheran, then studied the Rosicrucians, Theosophy, Concept Therapy among other philosophies and I was a past master of Masonic Blue Lodge. All these studies offered beneficial teachings to everyday life; this quest permitted me to look at nature straight in the face; that's when the sky opened up and things became very clear.