I Do Solemnly Swear




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/9/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781412099080

About the Book

Paul Tardiff enlisted in the Maine Army National Guard in 1948 at the age of 16. In 1951 he entered the Regular army and was assigned to the Territory of Hawaii, he fought with the 3d Infantry Division in Korea and was seriously wounded in a minefield. The book takes him through various stateside assignments and the Vietnam War and a New Orleans hurricane.

In a review of Paul Tardiff's book, I Do Solemnly Swear W. H. McDonald president of Military Writers Society of America (and himself a highly decorated veteran of Vietnam) said this:

" I thouroughly enjoyed reading the memoir of Sergeant Major Paull Tardiff. His book explores his combat experience in Korea and Vietnam.

Tardiff understates some of the most emotional and dangerous events of his life.he is oviously a leader of men and also a man of principle. His writing style is clean and efficient and makes easy reading.

I found myself engrossed in the book and in the man. He comes off as the kind of guy men would follow without hesitation into battle or jjust spend time with. This story would be great reading for other career military men or for people who love reading about strong people and heroes.

This book recieves the Militaqry Writers Society's highest rating of FIVE STARS!

It also gets my personal recommendation. Buy it and read it!"

About the Author

Paul Tardiff was born in 1932 in the city of Brewer, Maine the ninth child of Raymond E. and Marjorie (Libby) Tardiff. He was educated in the Brewer School System and Cameron University, Lawton OK.

He entered the Maine Army National Guard in Bangor, Maine two months after his 16th birthday and served with the 314th AAA Battalion Medical Detachment until October 1951 when he entered the Regular Army. He was promoted to the Army’s top enlisted grade sergeant major after 16 years in the service, becoming one of the youngest sergeants major in the Army.

He was awarded the Combat Infantry, Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart as well as several awards for achievement and foreign Decorations. He is a Lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, The Military Order of the Purple Heart, The Korean War Veteran Association, the Third Infantry Division Association, the Military Writers Association, and The Fraternal Order of Elks. He and his wife live in Bangor.