The Cosmic Blessings Theory
Book Details
About the Book
Brief synopsis/outline
In this work, 'virtues' or 'blessings' surpass the boundary of righteous qualities, thus transcending to actual deeds - equally worthy and durable accomplishments - which are transformative into cosmic positive values and energies. This book defines the codes, laws and equations through which religion and spirituality become complementary to and representational of an inestimable significance which actually meets the divine 'humans' unification with God' chief goal. In addition, The Cosmic Blessings Theory is quite revolutionary in the sense that it is the first to highlight unorthodox standards pertaining to three cardinal laws, namely, the laws of happiness, the third dimension, and the Holy Trinity, where freedom, ethical valuations, education, awareness, wisdom, politics and metaphysics constitute components coherently interacting with science and philosophy in the most boundless terms possible, the outcome of which testifies to facts pertaining to the 'transient stage/afterlife' cosmic connection.
The Cosmic Blessings Theory (appearing as the CBT henceforth) is a metaphysical work on ethics, virtue, spirituality, politics and cosmic existence (innovating laws and equations which imply philosophical contemplations pertaining to mind, body, spirit, self-help plus treating key factors relating to religion and science), where 'blessing' transcends being a description of goodness, consequently far exceeds being representational of a certain righteous attribute, thus becoming a valuation unit itself (i.e. 'b' in brief) pertaining to 12 codes constituting the totality of positive accomplishments from 'the manual' up to 'the divine', eventually forming 12 code-units of valuation (b1 - b12), with b (or blessing) becoming itself the key constituent in the formation of a positive cosmic energy, whose means of transportation is light; whose forms of existence are many, whose transubstantiations are equivalent to attestations to the grandest fact of 'creation'; whose theater of production is earth; whose validity is relative to infinity; whose ultimate goal is achieving the 'humans' unification with God' summum bonum (chief goal). Accordingly, in the CBT, 'blessing' becomes the cosmic atom of perpetual existence, thus generating a cosmic blessing value (appearing as CBV henceforth) which itself is capable of being transformed into a cosmic positive energy (CPE), as amply illustrated in the work's prologue.
Key rationale & structure
The CBT is governed by three key laws implying a number of equations and doctrines, the rationale behind which is supportive of the 'immortal existence' reality, consequently of the 'God being the Creator of the very fact of Creation' truth, on which foundation the CBT testifies to the actuality that the transient stage 'earth' is in fact the theater of CBV production, whose overall worth decides the quality of existence in the afterworld.
Structure wise, the CBT falls in four major parts: (a) the prologue, (b) the law of happiness, (c) the law of the third dimension, and (d) the law of the Holy Trinity.
Distinguishing attributes (representational of the core of the CBT's rationale)
The CBT is the first to treat 'blessing' or 'virtue' as an actual unit of valuation, concomitantly with its being the key component in the formation of a cosmic blessings value that is transformative into a cosmic positive energy. In this essence, the CBT valuates blessings as forms of existence which, unlike Plato's 'ultimate forms' and Descartes' 'abstract notions', bear actual valuation units pertaining to twelve codes.
The CBT clearly illustrates the indispensability of a priori coherence in the formation of any worthy and enduring metaphysical contemplation, thus drawing cases of 'a priori versus a posteriori' disputations on the foundation of establishing (hence adopting) a rational dialectic (pertaining to the dialectic of the law of the third dimension, the CBT's second law) which maintains unity of cohesion from start to finish.
From another angle of contemplation, the CBT illustrates the fact that, unlike earthly consciousness (which is double-natured, thus implying both good and evil moral attributes), the subconscious is single-natured (i.e. is constructed of a morality that is wholly good), thus constituting the cosmic reservoir of divine data whose 'transubstantiation into relatively fathomable meanings' is accessible for the ready and wide-awake individuals, a fact within which purpose there is fulfillment of the 'humans' unification with divinity' chief goal.
In addition to the definition of - plus the foundational rational and cosmic characteristics pertaining to - 'blessing' (hence to the CBT in its totality), this work transcends certain orthodox, ethics-related standards as constructed by Plato's forms and dialogues, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, and Kant's Critique of Practical Reason and A Priori Judgments (evidence in this regard appears in the treatment of certain cases pertaining to the CBT's second and third laws).
The CBT highlights the cosmic aspects implied in the Christian faith, as manifested in drawing a progressive analytical relativity between the teachings of Jesus with respect to (a) the very nature of the human subconscious's transubstantiations and (b) the cosmic rationale behind CBV formation. Too, the CBT is the first to treat ethics on basis of valuations, laws and equations which imply both coherence and value, thus generating actual worth for what concerns a substantiated and valid (existing) essence. Equally, the CBT verifies the fact that virtues can be interminably produced, that is, in accordance with the Godly 'cosmic perpetual existence' planning.
About the Author
In tandem with his extensive knowledge respecting the topics of philosophy, literature, metaphysics, music and marketing, and in addition to The Cosmic Blessings Theory, Chehadi Georges Hawa (nicknamed Sam) is also the author of The Caesar of Her Heart (a captivating romance novel), A Seer's Triumph (an inspirational novella on inner enlightenment and awareness), The Abandoned (a novel on family bias), and Wisdomia (a work on struggle for power, wisdom and love).
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Other title available from Trafford by Chehadi Georges Hawa:
The Caesar of Her Heart