Seriously, LAUGH
The Life You Save May Be Your Own.
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About the Book
About the Book
Follow the adventures of my real-life journeys of learning to laugh at everyday life. Discover ways to approach living that make every day better in every way for you, your family, friends and colleagues. Learn the lessons from my experiences of better living through laughter in a light-hearted style of writing that will entertain as well as empower you to enjoy life more.
It's a simple thing to laugh, yet we make it much harder than it needs to be. This book provides nine different ways to look at life's happenings and samples of observations I have made that demonstrate the twisted perspective I have that makes everything tickle my funny bone.
Laughter saved my life, seriously. Allow me to introduce you to major benefits of laughter including: stress relief, pain management, grief release, trauma recovery, improving business communications, relationship growth, enhancing romance, easier weight loss, stronger cardio-fitness, and mental wellness and crises management.
When life gets in the way of living, Seriously, LAUGH.