You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings

by Arleen Roots



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/14/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781425166588

About the Book

This is the third publication for Arleen Roots. The inspiration for her books is the journey and its process as a believer in Christ Jesus. Her desire is that her writings reveal and help remove any obstacles that would hinder one's relationship and purpose in God.

About the Author

This is the third publication for Arleen Roots. The inspiration for her books is the journey and its process as a believer in Christ Jesus. Her desire is that her writings reveal and help remove any obstacles that would hinder one's relationship and purpose in God. She is a retired lieutenant colonel and served in the Army Nurse Corps for 20 years. She lives in Lakewood, Washington. Arleen is delighted to be able to work with her gifted sister.