5 tools to Change your World

Taking control of what you experience

by Ian Oldham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/17/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781466971943
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781466970670

About the Book

Following on from his first book his successful Shifting Gears, Ian Oldham’s 5 tools to change your world is a straightforward, easy to read, jargon-free guide to dealing with life’s everyday difficulties.
This book does not attempt to fix you with a prescriptive list of things that you should do. Instead, it sees you as the resident expert on your life and keeps you firmly in the driver’s seat.
The 5 tools are simple skills and concepts, such as seeing other viewpoints. You are actively encouraged to decide when, where, and how to apply each tool as you see fit, using some or all of them to navigate and control your own unique journey. These tools are powerful, instantly applicable and timeless.
By deliberately focusing on the future and creating what you want to experience, the book offers strategies rather than solutions. It’s not about ‘how to’ but rather ‘how do you want to…’

For over twenty-five years, Ian has worked with people from all walks of life and brings a wealth of practical and managerial experience to his writing. He has facilitated organisational development at a senior level in many countries and still regularly delivers his Shifting Gears program. His book, while applicable to everyone, will be of special interest to those in a leadership role.
A stimulating read, 5 tools will draw you back time and again, to provide you with fresh insights and the opportunity to add greater meaning and value to your life.
Deliberately focused on the future and creating what you want to experience, the book’s concepts and skills are simple, powerful, instantly applicable, and timeless.

and adds value to your life.

About the Author

Ian Oldham has been facilitating leadership development programmes for over twenty five years. His work incorporates insights into problem solving, facilitation, conflict resolution, organisation efficiency, process improvement, strategic planning and team building and has been delivered in Australia, China, Russia, UK, USA, and New Zealand. Working with senior executives from leading organisations around the world, Ian’s programmes are transformational and universal and have benefitted people in research, hospitality, IT, telecommunications, broadcasting, medical practice, project management, real estate, software development, unions, government, science, employer groups and not-for-profit organisations. Ian has a range of qualifications (electronics, commercial flying, quality assurance, industrial engineering), executive experience in aviation, manufacturing and retail and owned and operated several companies including an outdoor adventure company.