the Challenge Victorious Living in Another Kingdom

Help for Building Strong Christians and Dynamic Communities of Faith

by Mark D. Spencer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/13/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781426962967
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781426962950

About the Book

The Church has often so compromised her place in the world as a witness for Jesus Christ that we have lost our saltiness. We have lost our effectiveness in ministering life to those so desperately in need of what Jesus came to give and to offer. The result is that today we have churches full of empty people, impotent in being catalysts of change on any level of society. The popular but mistaken mantra of “being like the world to win the world” is, simply put, ineffective and wrong! The dynamic of a life changing, cultural changing, and world changing faith must be cultivated in the womb of a radically healthy and living Church, wholly committed to the Lordship of Jesus. The Challenge — Victorious Living in Another Kingdom offers help in practical means for building strong Christians as well as strong and dynamic Christian communities. Applied wholeheartedly, The Challenge will lend itself to forming a solid and maturing nucleus of believers who will bear one vision, hold to one purpose, and speak with one voice.

About the Author

Mark D. Spencer, B.A., M.B.S., Th.D. Mark’s thirty plus years of ministry experience — from pastoring to international ministry — have uniquely given him a world-view needed by today’s Church. His ministry is at once challenging and encouraging issuing from a life of prayer and the Word of God. Mark currently pastors in Colorado with his wife, Patty.