• Why is one person rich and another very poor?
• Why is it that one person prays and gets no answer while another prays and gets an immediate result?
• Why is it that many good kind and religious people are always short of money, while other religious people have all the money they need? What makes them different?
• Why is it that the rich seem to get richer, and the poor seem to get poorer?
• Why is it that one person’s belief make him rich and successful, and another’s belief makes him poor and unsuccessful? What sets them apart?
• Why do some pray and get more of what they don’t want?
• Why do some non-religious people seem to be more blessed than religious people?
• Does God want everyone to prosper?
This book addresses all of these and other questions in a down to earth and practical way. It is intended to empower you the reader with the knowledge and inspiration to positively change your life by understanding how to use your faith. In writing this book I had in mind those with issues like the woman with the issue of blood. You that are looking for healing, deliverance, and abundant life in spite of disappointments and letdowns, have picked up the right book. You can get immediate and long term results by understanding and using the ideas, principles, and techniques in this book. You will find detailed instructions on how to get into alignment with the universal laws and principles of God so you can live out your God given dreams.
As I observed people go from church to church, filling up prayer lines in search of healing and deliverance, the questions occurred to me. Whose faith are they looking to for healing? Whose faith makes us whole? Does God want us to be dependant on others for what we need for ourselves? The purpose of this book is to empower the reader as Jesus empowered the woman with the issue of blood. “It is your faith that makes you whole”. God has given all the ability to think and believe. And as we think and believe, we receive, whether we want it or not.
My goal is to help you understand how to make your faith work for you and overcome fear which is negative faith expectation. We will explore the difference between positive and negative faith (fear) because it is helpful to know that your faith works both ways (positive & negative). Reading and applying the principals shared in this book will empower and enable you to fulfill your divine birthright and destiny to lead a healthy, abundant, and prosperous life.
“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 1:2, NASB)