Seven keys to understanding the power or your faith.

by Michael Moss Ph.D



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/30/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781426928161

About the Book

My goal is to help you understand how to make your faith work for you and overcome fear which is negative faith expectation. We will explore the difference between positive and negative faith (fear) because it is helpful to know that your faith works both ways (positive & negative). Reading and applying the principals shared in this book will empower and enable you to fulfill your divine birthright and destiny to lead a healthy, abundant, and prosperous life.

About the Author

This is a pragmatic rather than a theological book. It is intended to be a practical manual on faith written in a simplistic, easily accessible, down to earth style. It is about helping the reader understand, apply and learn to be in harmony with the universal laws of God that govern and apply to all regardless of religion or philosophy. As a result of my experience as a university professor, counselor, minister and former pastor I am grateful for the opportunity to share these insights with the reader. I am currently senior counselor and professor in the psycholoy department at Florida Memorial University in Miami Florida.