After 25 Years of Smoking Crack, How You Like Me Now
Book Details
About the Book
One of the main points in my book is to show the youth of today the consequences of using and selling drugs and the path that can also led them down my road if there isn't a change within their lives and if they continue to commit petty crimes that are better known as midemeanors what they dont know is once they get into the Federal system all misdemenors are added up as point. Ten midemenors will add up to one year whether you served time or paid a fine or even did community service it doesn't matter they all are counted. My next point to my readers is your closet friends will rat you out at the drop of a dime once under pressure My next point is to show you that my life has changed drastically during my drug use I've done alot of things using drugs that I couldn't image doing today and that I'm embrassed about but that was my life at that time. Today I'm a new and better man
About the Author
My name is Gregory Mack Thomas I'm fifty-one years old and I reside in Brooklyn, New York. This story is based on my struggles with crack-cocaine addiction, the death and murders of my whole family, the path that led me up to five bank robberies and ultimately led me to serve 51 months in a Federal Penitentiary.