What Must I Do To Be Saved?




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/31/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781426955419

About the Book

For many Christians, being saved is a major milestone in their spiritual journey. In Salvation, author Ovit G. Pursley Sr. provides a wealth of information for those seeking to be saved. Using the Bible as his guide, Pursley shows you what you need to do to avoid going to hell. In Salvation, Pursley presents the Bible’s teachings on salvation to help you understand what needs to be done (or not done) to inherit the kingdom of God, what defiles man, what God did because of man’s wickedness, what Christ did for us, and what we, as believers, need to do in response. He also examines the items that must be produced in us by the Holy Spirit, the seven words Jesus used to describe himself, the birth of Jesus through the ascension, the many ways in which we come to know Jesus, and the three way in which Jesus obtained his name. Learn what the Bible teaches about the evidence of our salvation, and recall that there is a real heaven and a real hell. Presented with simplicity, Salvation provides honest guidance about the process and importance of being saved.

About the Author

Ovit G. Pursley Sr. served as the senior pastor of the Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church of Niota, Tennessee, for fourteen years. His is anointed to minister in the Five-Fold Ministry and is currently affiliated with Ovit G. Pursley Ministries, Knoxville, Tennessee.