Growing Up in the Delta

The Choices You Have to Make to Get Where You Want to Go

by Christine King



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/5/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781426947995
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781426945793

About the Book

Growing Up in the Delta tells the life story of author Christine King. As a young girl growing up in the Mississippi Delta, she realized at an early age that she needed a better education in order to have a better life. She wanted her children to be able to have things that she didn’t have, and so she moved from the Delta to the North—where her life changed completely. Once moved, she decided to go back to school to better herself, a goal that required lots of hard work and many years to be achieved. She worked during the day while attending school at night, walking long distances to get to work and she sometimes working two jobs. She encountered countless stumbling blocks; sometime they seemed insurmountable, but she persevered until she achieved her dream. Despite her drive and ambition to succeed, however, she often found that she was on her own, with little or no support from the people around her. Even so, she refused to let them discourage her or deter her from her path. Intended as a reminder, keepsake, and inspiration to her descendants, Growing Up in the Delta conveys the message that everyone has the opportunity to find a better life. People can accomplish anything, as long as they are willing to work for it.

About the Author

Christine King grew up in the Delta. After completing her education, she worked as a mechanical inspector for aerospace at a corporation for ten years and then as a quality assurance specialist for the federal government for ten years. Now retired, she has returned to live in the Mississippi Delta.