The Incense Coast

Piracy around the Horn of Africa

by Brooks Tenney



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/24/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781426938245
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781426938221
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781426938238

About the Book

In the failed East African state of Somalia, piracy has become a dominant factor in the economy. Bordering one of the world's busiest waterways—with steady traffic coming and going through the Suez Canal—Somalia's north shore, once famed as the “Incense Coast,” provides a dependable parade of suitable victims. Maritime nations have powerful naval contingents in the region; but, lacking legal justification for preemptive action, they are paralyzed and ineffective.

News media are hungry for stories and photographs of pirates, and Jitka Malecek, a freelance photographer with prior experience in East Africa, has a plan for obtaining them. Somalia acts as a magnet for her, drawing the aggressive young photographer inexorably into the action.

Commander Vance Morrisette of the U.S. Navy, a former SEAL, has worked in the region before. Morrisette is given a covert assignment to join a civilian security firm, providing protection against piracy. These contractors are constrained to employ nonlethal techniques against heavily armed pirates who have no such restrictions. Chafing under rules of engagement that handcuff law-abiding nations, Morrisette contemplates more violent alternatives. When Jitka Malecek disappears into lawless Somalia, he must take matters into his own hands and track her down before her time and luck run out.

About the Author

Former aerospace engineer Brooks Tenney received the U.S. Public Service Citation after managing an underwater habitat for saturation diving. He lived underwater for two weeks on Project Tektite, sponsored by NASA and the U.S. Navy. Currently he writes for a paper in upstate New York. This is his fourth novel.