Feminine & Masculine Aspects Must Balance
Book Details
About the Book
In your first journey upon the Earth, if you came in as a male, you will come back out in your female form in the Ascension process. Conversely, if your first journey was as a female, you will come back out as a male. ---Jesus/Yeshua Channeled by Verling CHAKO Priest, The Goddess Returns to Earth presents a simple formula for the masculine and feminine aspects within each of us—keep them balanced! Presenters Jesus/Yeshua, the Divine Mother, God the Father, Saint Germain, Lady Nada, Kuthumi-Agrippa, AA Michael, Quan Yin, and Mary Magdalene each share his/her wisdom on these aspects and the importance they play in our ascension. Once again our belief systems are challenged. I am a senior woman and to be told that I have a male soul was a stretch for even me, the Author! A unique read, The Goddess Returns to Earth stimulates the Reader and leads him/her down avenues that have never been explored.
About the Author
Verling CHAKO Priest, Ph.D, holds 3 graduate degrees in Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology. She is the author of 6 books that were channeled by her and orchestrated by the Lord Jesus/Yeshua. These books (all published by Trafford) are words of wisdom from many Masters. Yeshua is her main guide for these works. Dr. Priest lives in Surprise, Arizona and has 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren.