Are You Being Told What to Believe?

How Important is What We Believe?

by Ruth Beebe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/2/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781426939839
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781426939846

About the Book

The past fifty years has seen a steady progression from Christianity through various alternate systems of belief, including the theory of evolution, UFOs, aliens, paganism, witchcraft, and belief in the presence of gods and goddesses. TV, movies, books, and even our educational system all seem determined to gain control of our thoughts and beliefs.

Are you being told what to think? Are you being told what to believe? How important are our beliefs? Most of us don’t really give a lot of thought to how our beliefs impact the world around us, or to what our beliefs really mean to us.

Are You Being Told What to Believe? examines popular beliefs and demonstrates not only how all of these things are connected, but how your beliefs are being controlled. You must take charge of your mind, your thoughts, and your beliefs; if you don’t, someone else will!

Belief sets are almost as unique as the individual. So how important is this? Does it really matter what we believe? And could there be a greater effort underway to control your mind and thoughts? You decide!

About the Author

Ruth Beebe lives in western Colorado with her husband. She attends the Seventh Day Adventist Church.