Principles of Entrepreneurship

Building a Resilient Windsor-Essex Economy One Entrepreneur at a Time

by Fabio Costante



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/29/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781426900419

About the Book

Principles of Entrepreneurship The "Principles of Entrepreneurship" is a book designed to help and assist first-time entrepreneurs and small-to-medium size business owners (SME’s) in preventing mistakes and mitigating risks that are inherent in every business endeavor. The guiding principles found in this book are derived and synthesized from a culmination of academic textbooks, journals, papers, case studies and through personal experiences of entrepreneurs, including the author. The book outlines the lifecycle of a business and the important principles to follow and be aware of throughout. It will be laid out chronologically from defining what it means to be an entrepreneur to formulating an exit strategy for your business. Finally, it ends by illustrating how the role of the entrepreneur in society can stretch far beyond the buying and selling of goods and services in our economy. The Windsor-Essex region is going through an unprecedented structural transformation that requires us to diversify our economy and build an infrastructure – an economy – that is far more resilient. Fostering entrepreneurship is one step in that direction.

About the Author