You Opened The Door, But You Did Not Let Him In
(Let Him In)
Book Details
About the Book
The main points of this book is to let the world know that God is real. He has provided love, protection, and help for all human beings through Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Althought; he have all power in his hands he will not force his way in your life. We were lost and bount for destruction, but through God's Love we can spent enterny with him in paradise, in Heaven, in the City not made by hands, no more suffering, no more crying, no more dying. One moment in God's Kingdom will pay for all your heartaches. If you hear him say Well Done My Good And Faithful Servant.
About the Author
The Author was raise in Ray City, Ga.. His parents were preachers before he was born. He was taught to put God First and to Love everyone. He has a 2 year Degree in Marketing and Manament, 1 year in Psychology, Presently attenting The First Born Church Semenary Traning School Master's Class, 6 years military, Family Values, a wife, 2 sons,a daughter and a grandson.