Fighting the Good Fight

by Thomas D. Logie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/1/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781426950933
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781426950926

About the Book

Biblical history and the shorter prophets have lessons for twenty-first century Christians that are too often missed in regular study. Of Kings, Prophets, Families, and the King of Kings examines these often-neglected Scriptures, using various techniques to tell these truths in modern forms for modern times. The historical books and the shorter prophets contain critical teaching concerning human nature, politics, and the coming climax of human history—when the conflict between God and Satan bursts out into spiritual and physical warfare without restraint as described in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible. If knowledge is power, then the verses explored here may be some of the most powerful in the world. This guide provides a springboard into vital portions of Scripture that are virtually unknown to most believers. It offers a helpful introduction to these overlooked passages, so that others might read and study them, gaining wisdom from the Scriptures and from the Holy Spirit who inspired them.

About the Author

Thomas D. Logie is first and foremost a believer in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Scriptures. He believes that the Bible can and should guide people not only in core religious beliefs but also how they live their lives any time or culture.