Is the Truth hidden
Who is asking?
Not every one is on the same level of awareness or even type.
In the absence of that which you are not, that which you are, is not.
If you are asking with patience you will get the answer when you are ready to receive. It can take years to get a answer. Expect the answer to come not only in one way.
The truth of man or women, #1to 10 or beyond must be different by
nature of limited understanding, and level of being.
The observation of your body and thoughts tell you that the observer and the observed are one and it is useful to know what type you are don’t confuse type with your real self--- the observer the intelligence which is actually operating, healing, growing declining, controlling your body.
Ego is smart, not intelligent. Intelligence includes all and everything, not only what is inside the box.
The ego claims it thinks outside the box, that doesn’t make it so.
Instinctive Type are often employed in the food industry, reacts instinctively to situation, for instance food may be more important then
other activity. Has an instinctive understanding of the body’s working. Underdeveloped in emotional perception and intellectual pursuits, good at sport activity. This is a broad brushstroke hear, more detail can be found in Gurdjieff Euspensky books. The stack of playing cads is used to illustrate more in detail. You are a Jack, Queen, or King.
Instinctive Type Clubs Decision making is instinctive world view
Moving Type Spades Thinking related to movement
Intellectual Type Diamonds Slow intellectual decision making
Emotional Type Harts Emotional perception, action
You are born with a center of gravity where most of your mechanical decisions are made from, one can call it also stimulus response.
Chief feature power ,vanity, non existence, etc.
All that is your mechanical side given to you at birth, every living thing is given that at birth, humans have the possibility to wake up out of the dream of thought. That is why the Spiritual Occult is also called the "Work".
It is easy to get identified with a big system like the Fourth way or any Religion. Don’t forget that the truth is in simplicity.
What you seek to morrow will never come, because it is always Now.
Don’t seek enlightenment-------- become present Now.
The truth is in the present, not yesterday or to morrow.
Jesus did not say, love your neighbor to morrow.
Let it be, in the Now. Allow your self to be in the Now. Nonresistance is the
way to truth which is only in the now. You know the truth if you are in the formless Now. The truth is not hidden from anybody, but if you are not in the present Now, the truth may as well be behind a big mountain. Or on the moon.
When women copy the lifestyle of men, that doesn’t elevate or lift
women to the level of power equal to men, it makes women as insane as men.
Being can remove mountains, ego builds imaginary mountains.
The ego “believes” another cant see its actions even its thoughts, specially if it is identified with a sexuall attraction, specially consummated lying and cheating. Being knows.
To ego Being appears stupid, ordinary.
The truth changes with your perception or level of being.
The perceiver, the silent observer, that which is not affected by drama or none drama, is silence. The intelligence, the knowing, the nonjudgmental, formless silent observer within you, is available to you Now.
You become one with the problem, without blaming, judging means you are present.
When spirituality becomes a Teaching, in a small way it will be awareness in Being, the bigger the Teaching becomes more and more ego "believe" enters, misunderstandings, complexities enter, simplicity of the Now is covered up mostly by ego. When you are in the formless presence of now you are the truth, and you know it. To Being nothing is hidden. To ego everything is hidden in denying the present, pretending to understand. Arguing when there is nothing to argue about.