You Dirty Rotten Filthy Pig

by Allyson Moore



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/20/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781466949799
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781466949805

About the Book

Nice girls do not yell at men. We are supposed to take whatever is dished out at us and smile in return. No matter how awful.

Our mothers taught us this and then our churches, schools, political and cultural institutions reinforced it. Nice girls keep their mouths shut.

No more.

In “You Dirty Rotten Filthy Pig” Allyson Moore finally finds her voice and when she does, people are shocked.

Taken from incidents in her own life Allyson humorously, often acerbically shares the things that she wished that she could have said to the men in her life, but did not.

Is there something that you wish that you could have said to a husband, lover or boyfriend? Read what Allyson has and perhaps you will too.

About the Author

Allyson Moore is an average, middle-aged woman. In a crowd there is nothing to distinguish her from anyone else, save for her blond hair. A rigid upbringing, an abusive marriage, and an authoritarian religious structure created the desire in her to let her voice be heard. Born during the baby boomer generation, she and her sisters have struggled to find their voices. As hers emerges in this collection of poems about the painful relationship with her mother, the reader may be shocked at the magnitude of secrets that are revealed.