Precision Simplified --- Second Edition
For 2/1 Game Force Players
Book Details
About the Book
The 2/1 Game Force System is an improvement over the Standard American System that has been played by bridge players for years. The clear advantage of 2/1 is that it allows a partnership to know that game is possible with only a single bid by the responder. However, a significant disadvantage is that the opener may have between 12 and 21 high card points (HCP) when opening one of a suit, obviously a very wide range. To remedy this situation, one may employ the strong club system in contract or duplicate bridge know simply as Precision.
About the Author
The 2/1 Game Force System is an improvement over the Standard American System that has been played by bridge players for years. The clear advantage of 2/1 is that it allows a partnership to know that game is possible with only a single bid by the responder. However, a significant disadvantage is that the opener may have between 12 and 21 high card points (HCP) when opening one of a suit, obviously a very wide range. To remedy this situation, one may employ the strong club system in contract or duplicate bridge known simply as Precision. While Precision is still played by many players in regional, national, and international events, many club players shy away from the Precision bidding system since they are afraid of the numerous Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Epsilon asking bids used in many systems, in particular, Italian Precision. There are countless variations of Precision since its introduction into the bridge world by C.C. Wei of Taiwan in the 1960s. Some go by the name Enhanced Precision, Natural Precision, Clarified Precision, Precision Today, Precision Club (Beginner Intermediate Lounge on Bridge Base Online), The Simplified Club, Incision Forcing Club, Match Point Precision, EHAA (Every Hand An Adventure), and many more too numerous to name. I have tried to eliminate the fear of the memory features used by many variations of Precision by presenting a series of bids geared toward simplicity and allow the reader to integrate the Precision bids into their more familiar natural bidding system using the 2/1 Game Force bidding structure that includes combined Bergen Raises, inverted minor suit raises with crisscross, cuebidding, modified scroll bids, and other familiar conventions. In this new second edition I have corrected errors in the first edition; added more examples and have included Chapter 17 which is a version of Precision that I call “Simplified Precision”. Dr. Neil H. Timm is Professor Emeritus, retired from the University of Pittsburgh where he taught statistics for 35 years writing four textbook in Multivariate Analysis and two on Linear Models. He is also the author of “Bridge News”, available on his web site: He has developed several new bidding conventions called the Modified Scroll bids, the Montreal Relay Systems for Clubs and Diamonds, and the extended undercall club convention.